Thursday, April 2, 2009

CPAT results

Sorry I have fallen off the face of the blog for a little while. The CPAT went great. I passed it in 9 minutes and 27 seconds. Meaning I had about an extra minute of time I could have taken. But, I am glad that I was able to finish with time to spare. Getting off the stairs I was confident that I was going to finish, but my legs were defiantly Jell-O after that. Pulling the hose was relatively easy, the equipment carry and ladder raise was great time to catch my breath. I got the forcible entry prop in 7 swings. I figured it would take about 10 so I made up about 15 seconds there. The search was easy and another chance to catch a breather. In between the forcible entry and the search I tried to ask my proctor if I was making a good pace. They aren't suppose to tell you your time and he was very uncomfortable with me asking that. I thought it was a safe question because I wasn't asking my time I was just trying to see if he would tell me if I needed to speed it up. he said I was doing fine and we moved on. Then during the rescue drag of the dummy one of the others were telling me to keep it up and keep my pace going. I then got nervous and really turned it on at the end. I flew through the ceiling breach and pull and then was out of breath. But that was worth it as I found out I passed. The next day my arms were actually a little sore, which I never expected. I must have not used as much of my legs and body on the ceiling breach as I thought I did. Probably arm muscled through a lot just trying to keep a quick pace. All in all I am glad to have another hurdle down. It was especially good timing because a week afterward I got a ingrown toe nails that killed me for a few days. There is reason to believe that had I got that ingrown nail before the CPAT I might have got a different outcome. One of my buddies had his knees lock up on him and he failed the test after the hose pull. Poor guy, I hope his body can hold up. I feel like I am still working toward my peak physical condition. Now if I could only get my diet right...

Well until next time... which for my own purposes I will attempt to not take so long to come back.

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